The 2018 SAA Conference was held in Nashville, Tennessee in conjunction with AAA 2018. The conference was a success and served as an informational and networking event that benefited audiology students across the nation. The conference provided knowledge that students can acquire and apply beyond their graduate programs and into their future clinical and/or research careers.
The morning started off discussing helpful tips that students could utilize as upcoming professionals during the job negotiation process. Topics throughout the day included: electrophysiology, cerumen management strategies, pediatric amplification, and testing in the vestibular sciences, demonstrating the importance of the audiology toolbox to better serve patients. In addition to all of the amazing topics, a networking session was held and provided the opportunity for students to network with over 50 professional leaders. Expertise extended across the scope of audiology including hearing aids, cochlear implants, industry, research, pediatrics, electrophysiology, private practice, and vestibular assessment.
A special thank you to our presenters: Dr. Natalie Phillips, Dr. Jennifer Shinn, Dr. Frank Musiek, Dr. A.U. Bankaitis, Dr. Ryan McCreery, Dr. Kathryn Makowiec, Dr. Chris Zalewski, and all of the professional leaders who attended our networking session.
Whether it was networking, attending talks, or simply interacting with future colleagues, the SAA Conference provided something for everyone to put in their own audiology toolbox!
We hope to see you next year!
2017-2018 SAA Conference Subcommittee
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