The SAA Conference and AAA 2021 Virtual: Can’t wait to “see” you there!
In April 2019, when Riley DeBacker (now SAA Past-President) and I met with Sarah Alfieri, the next SAA Programs Committee Chair, Sarah told us her biggest goal was to create a more accessible programs experience for audiology students. Two years and many trials and tribulations later, we are so excited to offer the most accessible programming to date. The SAA Conference 2021 Virtual and AAA 2021 Virtual are both completely virtual this year. Furthermore, the majority of sessions will be recorded and available for 30 days afterward!
The SAA Conference 2021 Virtual will be held on Wednesday, April 14, from 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM ET and is generously sponsored by Starkey. Registration is only $20 for both members and non-members. AAA 2021 Virtual will be held April 14-16 and is separate from the SAA Conference; SAA student member registration is only $35. Make sure you’re in the first 1,500 registrants for AAA 2021 Virtual to receive a SWAG box filled with sponsored items and great information!
The SAA Conference 2021 Virtual provides student-friendly content about the hottest topics in audiology. At the beginning of the 2020-21 term, the SAA committed to providing a more diverse and inclusive atmosphere in everything we do. We’ve infused diversity into our programs throughout the year as well. The SAA Programs Committee has made a conscious effort to contact diverse speakers from across the U.S. to present on various topics within audiology. We are so thrilled to announce the following topics and speakers of the SAA Conference 2021 Virtual:
- Auditory Brainstem Implants presented by Diane Martinez, AuD
- Cochlear Implants presented by Arun Joshi, AuD
- Engaging, Connecting, and Guiding Your Patients to Hearing Health presented by Andrea Hannan Dawkes, AuD
- Inpatient Audiology presented by Rita Garrido, AuD, Nicole Pain, AuD, and Kristen Cortese, AuD
- Pediatric Vestibular Testing presented by Melissa Caine, AuD, and Violette Lavender, AuD
- Pharmacology/Ototoxicity presented by Riley DeBacker, AuD
All of this wonderful content plus all the content from AAA 2021 Virtual will be powered on the Intrado platform, which I must say is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. Check out this teaser! AAA 2021 Virtual will continue to offer the best parts of an in-person conference including educational content, networking opportunities, gamification, and the exhibit hall! Personally, I always enjoyed the after-hours events where I can meet other audiologists in a relaxed environment. This year the Foundation is hosting a Trivia Night “FUN-raiser”, generously sponsored by Signia, where teams compete against each other to win prizes and, of course, bragging rights. Students can register for only $20! If you’re not a competitive person like me, make sure you check out the Wine-Tasting Event where you can drink wine and support the Academy’s Political Action Committee. During the event, a wine connoisseur will teach you how to taste wine and help you figure what you like and why you like it!
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