It’s that time of year again! It’s time to vote for the 2023-2024 national Student Academy of Audiology (SAA) Board of Directors! The SAA Board of Directors serves as the connection among the national SAA, local SAA chapters, student volunteers, and student members. Board members represent the breadth and depth of SAA initiatives and interests by serving as committee chairs guided by the strategic direction in the areas of public awareness, philanthropy, leadership, education, communications, chapter and member relations, and the annual AAA Conference programming.
This year, there are 15 candidates running for member-at-large (MAL).
PLEASE NOTE: Applicants were permitted to run for both SAA president-elect and member-at-large if they so desired. Candidates who are running for both president-elect and member-at-large are included in this post, in addition to the 2023-2024 President-Elect Candidates post. Once voting opens, you will be asked to vote for one (1) candidate for president-elect and your top eight (8) candidates for member-at-large.
You may vote for the same candidate for president-elect and a member-at-large position. The winning president-elect candidate will be removed from the member-at-large tally and the eight (8) candidates that receive the most votes will be awarded member-at-large positions.
Make your voice heard by casting your vote for the next student leaders in the audiology community. Scroll down to learn more about the 2023-2024 national SAA MAL candidates.
Renee Alvarado (she/her)
University: University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS)
Anticipated Graduation Year: 2025
If your classmates or colleagues were to list 3 words to describe you, what would they be?
Determined, Outgoing, Organized
How do you intend to engage, empower, and lead the next generation of audiology students?
By being involved in the profession of audiology, I plan to engage, empower, and lead the next generation of audiology students. Currently, this looks like participating in local and national organizations. As a student, I am involved within my university and local community. Being a part of my university’s SAA chapter, I am able to meet and engage with the first year audiology students. We host events that prepare and engage the students. There are chances for them to practice their leadership and learn new things. Being involved at the national SAA level is a way to prepare audiology students to get involved through leadership positions, volunteer opportunities, and resources. However, as a professional, being involved means actively taking students as a preceptor. This is something that is important to me and a way that I can give back to the audiology community. I want to help future generations of audiology students by giving them learning experiences and clinical skills that they can use in the future. By observing and giving direct instruction, I can empower my future colleagues by teaching and preparing them to lead. Additionally, serving as a clinical preceptor is a great way to enhance my own practice and professional growth. Another way to engage, empower, and lead is to be involved in organizations like the American Academy of Audiology, and local organizations for audiologists.
Riya Antony (she/her)
University: Nova Southeastern University
Anticipated Graduation Year: 2025
If your classmates or colleagues were to list 3 words to describe you, what would they be?
Adaptive, Organized, Inclusive
How do you intend to engage, empower, and lead the next generation of audiology students?
By making sure that students are aware of how rapidly this profession is growing and by spreading awareness to people about our career path at places like career days. I want to empower others by letting them know that although we are not well known in the healthcare field, we are just as important as every other healthcare professional. I have seen social media accounts created for audiologists, so promoting those will spread more awareness.
Shelley Ardonne (she/her)
University: University of Memphis
Anticipated Graduation Year: 2025
If your classmates or colleagues were to list 3 words to describe you, what would they be?
Intentional, Resourceful, Organized
How do you intend to engage, empower, and lead the next generation of audiology students?
I think that the best way to engage, empower, and lead is to create a positive and safe space for everyone. A leader should encourage every team member to use their strengths and creativity to make a positive change in the profession! I think that people feel most empowered and willing to be involved when they feel valued. I aim to make everyone feel important, and I look forward to meeting and learning from future audiologists around the country!
Molly Bastida (she/her)
University: Illinois State University
Anticipated Graduation Year: 2025
If your classmates or colleagues were to list 3 words to describe you, what would they be?
Welcoming, Ambitious, Team Player
How do you intend to engage, empower, and lead the next generation of audiology students?
I plan on engaging, empowering, and leading students by asking how the students would like to engage with their local communities. I want to engage students and the local community through social media campaigns. I also want to engage students with local and national advocacy events and invite them to their local state capitals and beyond. I hope the next generation of audiology students feels supported and knows how to engage in their local communities for change.
Madeleine Campbell (she/her)
University: CUNY Graduate Center
Anticipated Graduation Year: 2025
If your classmates or colleagues were to list 3 words to describe you, what would they be?
Thoughtful, Hard working, and Communicative.
How do you intend to engage, empower, and lead the next generation of audiology students?
To engage and empower audiology students, it’s important to regularly assess how the organization can best meet their needs. Continuing communication with local SAA chapters is fundamentally important to understand what kinds of programming, social events, and education are most desired by students nationwide.
Joining the Virtual Education Series committee this year has been a true source of joy and I hope this work can be expanded. One silver lining of a devastating pandemic is our ability to more easily connect. The integration of virtual events into SAA programming allows a greater number of students to participate, learn, and build community.
Ava Erickson (she/her)
University: Nova Southeastern University
Anticipated Graduation Year: 2025
If your classmates or colleagues were to list 3 words to describe you, what would they be?
Hardworking, Leader, Organized
How do you intend to engage, empower, and lead the next generation of audiology students?
I intend to engage, empower, and lead the next generation by being an example and being their source for any questions they may have.
Perri Fine (she/her)
University: A.T. Still University
Anticipated Graduation Year: 2025
If your classmates or colleagues were to list 3 words to describe you, what would they be?
Empathetic, Leader, Welcoming
How do you intend to engage, empower, and lead the next generation of audiology students?
Supporting both current and future students to provide the most empathetic, informed, well-rounded students to reach the needs of all patients.
Kaley Graves (she/her)
University: University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Anticipated Graduation Year: 2025
If your classmates or colleagues were to list 3 words to describe you, what would they be?
Organized, Efficient, Outgoing
How do you intend to engage, empower, and lead the next generation of audiology students?
I intend to lead by example. I feel that my passion for the profession of audiology is at the forefront of everything I do, whether in class, clinic, or via SAA activities. I always encourage my peers to ask questions or engage in conversation because everyone has a different idea or opinion. Currently, I am a second year student in my four year audiology program and have maintained open dialogues with the new first years as they settle in and start to find their rhythm. I made it a point to introduce myself during their orientation week when I volunteered to give them a tour of our campus before having an informal Q&A session where I tried to ensure that they felt comfortable to ask me anything they may want to know but did not feel comfortable asking professors. I am a strong believer in communication and facilitating dialogues between students, professors, and clinicians because we can always learn something new from each other that may motivate us that much more to continue developing and learning.
Bailey Harmon (she/her)
University: University of Colorado Boulder
Anticipated Graduation Year: 2025
If your classmates or colleagues were to list 3 words to describe you, what would they be?
Positive, Empathetic, Diligent
How do you intend to engage, empower, and lead the next generation of audiology students?
I believe empowering students happens by getting them excited about all the opportunities that the profession has to offer and by showing them that they are the future of the profession. Engaging students happens through encouraging them to push the envelope of research and what is capable in standard practice. The ambition that students have strengthens and further advances the profession and benefits other professionals. Sustaining this ambition develops pivotal research and changes in audiology. Additionally, providing extensive resources, sharing passions, experiences, and knowledge with the future generations gives the next generation the tools and information that they need to be great providers in the future.
MaryAnn Quigley (she/her)
University: University of Iowa
Anticipated Graduation Year: 2025
If your classmates or colleagues were to list 3 words to describe you, what would they be?
Reliable, Motivated, and Passionate
How do you intend to engage, empower, and lead the next generation of audiology students?
In my own state, I am working toward inviting undergraduate students from other universities in Iowa to attend the University of Iowa SAA general meetings. As the only SAA chapter in the state, I feel that it is our responsibility to provide information and resources to those who may be interested in entering the profession. Reaching out to other undergraduate programs in the state and even high schools (for example, attending career fairs) would increase knowledge of the profession statewide. As an undergraduate student, I had never heard of the profession of audiology until joining a Deaf studies lab as an undergraduate research assistant. It seems that many graduate students have discovered audiology by happenstance. There are likely many talented students in Iowa who would make talented clinicians if they only had an introduction to the profession. Expanding collaborations with the ASHA Multicultural Constituency Groups, would also be a great way to promote inter-association connection as well as provide students with more opportunities for resources and community, empowering them to become leaders in time.
Kassander Thompson (he/him)
University: University of Connecticut
Anticipated Graduation Year: 2024
If your classmates or colleagues were to list 3 words to describe you, what would they be?
Passionate, Knowledgeable, Fun
How do you intend to engage, empower, and lead the next generation of audiology students?
We are living in an exciting time for audiology. Now is the time for growth. As future clinicians, it will be our job to define what that growth means and nurture it. It is time that we build more connections within our profession across both students, and practicing audiologists, as well as collaboration between budding audiologists and students in other clinical programs. At the University of Connecticut, we have a program once a year that allows graduate students in clinical programs to come together and work on a case, giving background and context based on their clinical area of expertise. This kind of program should be available to students nationwide to promote interdisciplinary collaboration and education about the role of different professions. When I participated in this program for the first time, I was astounded at how many student clinicians were unaware that audiology existed, let alone our scope of practice. Through this kind of education, we can bolster our student clinicians’ confidence in their knowledge and abilities and prepare them for quality interdisciplinary work in their future careers.
Jennifer Tyler (she/her)
University: Idaho State University
Anticipated Graduation Year: 2025
If your classmates or colleagues were to list 3 words to describe you, what would they be?
Dedicated, Experienced, Creative.
How do you intend to engage, empower, and lead the next generation of audiology students?
I will encourage participation from others and lead by example. I want to include everyone in the decision making of important ideas and events. I will demonstrate the importance of participation by participating as much as I can myself. If I am not willing to put in the effort why should I expect others to? I want audiology students to be the best they can be. I want to encourage their interests. I want to be there for the next generation of audiology students and help them in any way possible. I hope by showing my interest in the students and not just national SAA as a whole, it will motivate them to be the best audiology students they can be.
Elizabeth Urban (she/her)
University: University of Cincinnati
Anticipated Graduation Year: 2024
If your classmates or colleagues were to list 3 words to describe you, what would they be?
Calm, Inquisitive, Enthusiastic
How do you intend to engage, empower, and lead the next generation of audiology students?
I aim to eventually teach audiology at a university after working as a pediatric audiologist. I aim to work with students directly in a classroom and/or clinical setting. Education is key to empowerment. It is important to allow the students to think for themselves and come to their own conclusions before providing input. I want students to learn how to work with each other. By leading as an example of being hard working, passionate, and easy to work as a team – it helps show students how they can also lead in their own roles.
Bailey Wells (she/her)
University: CUNY Graduate Center
Anticipated Graduation Year: 2025
If your classmates or colleagues were to list 3 words to describe you, what would they be?
Enthusiastic, Driven, Organized
How do you intend to engage, empower, and lead the next generation of audiology students?
I plan to engage and empower the next generation of audiologists by getting them involved! We all can accomplish so much more as a group than individually. I hope that by being a part of SAA, I can reach more people and encourage them to be as excited about audiology and the amazing work that we are involved in as a profession.
Michelle Wu (she/her)
University: Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Anticipated Graduation Year: 2025
If your classmates or colleagues were to list 3 words to describe you, what would they be?
Thoughtful, Patient, Passionate
How do you intend to engage, empower, and lead the next generation of audiology students?
I intend to engage, empower, and lead the next generation of audiology students by serving as a resource whom they feel comfortable reaching out to. Having personally experienced self-doubt, hesitation, and concerns about potential success in the profession, I recognize the importance of encouragement from others. Currently, I try to support my classmates and provide advice for those in classes below me. I will happily cheer my peers or colleagues on and assist them as I can, and aim to mentor students in the years to come.
Want to learn more about the 2023-2024 national SAA Board of Directors candidates? Check out their individual bios for more information. Voting begins February 22, 2023, and ends March 8, 2023.
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