For audiology students with interest in research, the T35 short-term research training program for AuD students provides unique access to mentorship, resources, opportunities, and support as you explore every aspect of the research process. Funded by the National Institute for Deafness and other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), this three-month training program culminates in a poster presentation at the annual American Auditory Society (AAS) meeting. T35 research institutions include Boys Town National Research Hospital (Omaha, NE), the National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research (Portland, OR), Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN), and Washington University in St. Louis (St. Louis, MO). Follow the above links for additional information on applying (Note: 2019 application deadlines are quickly approaching).
Need more convincing? Read through the testimonials below from 2017 T35 trainees to help persuade you that applying for the T35 traineeship will help define your academic experience.
Anastasia L. Grindle
“Improving Pediatric Wideband Real-Ear-to-Coupler Difference Predictions Using Absorbance”
Site: Boys Town National Research Hospital (BTNRH)
Mentor: Ryan McCreery, PhD
“Completing a T35 at BTNRH made for a memorable summer of growth, filled with experiences I wouldn’t have otherwise had access to through my AuD program. The researchers at BTNRH works closely with each student trainee to find a translational research project that they are passionate about and provide support through each step of the research process. An unexpected benefit of the BTNRH T35 was lasting friendships forged with the other AuD student trainees through the experience of living under the same roof for the summer. Completing a T35 was a catalyst for my personal and professional growth. I’d highly recommend pursuing a T35 traineeship at BTNRH.”
Emily M. Wilson
“Effect of Time Compression and Reverberation among Normal Hearing Listeners”
Site: National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research (NCRAR)
Mentor: Michelle Molis, PhD
“The T35 Traineeship is a unique opportunity to explore your interest in auditory research, and I feel very fortunate to have spent my time at the NCRAR. This experience allows you to dedicate your time and effort to a specific project, which helped me contemplate a career contributing to the field of auditory research. Additionally, the exposure to a wealth of research initiatives through seminars, journal clubs, and meetings with individual investigators is invaluable. I would urge anyone who is interested in exploring or furthering a passion for research to consider applying for a traineeship at the NCRAR!”
Steven Carter
“Sound Localization Under Virtual Reality”
Site: Vanderbilt University
Mentor: G. Christopher Stecker, PhD
“It’s difficult within the framework of an AuD to be given adequate time to focus on much outside of classes and clinic. The T35 allowed me to put a pause on my clinical interests and fully immerse myself within research. My mentor helped me develop a feasible and exciting project; the mentorship extended outside of the project as well, and gave me a space to ask questions and fully evaluate my career interests. I thoroughly enjoyed my T35 experience and would highly recommend it to anyone considering research as part of their future career in audiology.”
Jacob Sommers
“Cognitive Flexibility as a Predictor of Speech Perception in Noise”
Site: Washington University in St. Louis
Mentor: Mitchell Sommers, PhD
“The T35 program was great for me because I was very interested in research, but was wanting more experience than what my university was able to offer me at the time. The T35 immersed me in full-time, funded audiology research under the direction and guidance of a mentor with his own lab which ultimately helped me to determine if research was to be included in my future career plans. The WashU program was educational and the faculty were extremely friendly and accommodating. I would highly recommend the T35 to any interested students.”
Thank you to all T35 trainees for sharing your candid testimonials.
Anastasia Grindle is a fourth-year audiology student at Northern Illinois University and audiology extern at Boys Town National Research Hospital. She serves on the SAA Board of Directors and is currently Chair of the SAA Chapter and Member Relations Committee. Her professional interests include pediatric and research audiology.
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