Throughout the country, local Student Academy of Audiology (SAA) Chapters gather to discuss, advocate for, and share knowledge about audiology. Graduate and undergraduate students alike are able to connect with peers who share their interests, learn about new topics in audiology, and serve their local communities. While there are terrific benefits obtained in local SAA involvement, national SAA members have access to many additional opportunities and resources. Being a member of the national SAA can further promote camaraderie through connection with other students, leadership opportunities, and may even help students jumpstart future careers.
Members of national SAA are able to foster long-lasting connections with students across the country through volunteer and leadership opportunities. Students can volunteer as an SAA microvolunteer or on a national SAA committee or task force, serve on the Board of Directors, or participate in the SAA State Ambassador program to help connect members and chapters and advocate for the profession of audiology. Members also have access to the online audiology student community and student-specific resources, including those designed specifically to support undergraduate students.
Not only does the national SAA promote career development through connections to students and professionals, it can enhance career opportunities through a number of available services for students. Resume review services, provided by the SAA, can help you craft a professional resume, making your resume stand out from the crowd during your next job or externship application process. HEARCareers also provides students with job and externship opportunities. Additionally, the national SAA provides helpful career enhancement resources for undergraduate students, such as the Applying to Audiology Graduate School Packet and Personal Statement Supplement. These resources can help undergraduate students take the important next step in their careers with confidence, knowing that they are well prepared for graduate school applications.
National SAA members also gain access to a number of professional resources, which include written materials. The Journal of the American Academy of Audiology (JAAA) online, as well as the academy’s bi-monthly magazine, Audiology Today, are both available to national SAA members. These allow students to explore new and innovative topics in audiology and hearing research, as well as stay up-to-date on any news in the audiology world. Members also receive Audiology Weekly and SAAy Anything, the AAA and SAA e-newsletters, to learn more about events and opportunities happening in the audiology and student communities.
The opportunities available to undergraduate and graduate audiology students through participation in local SAA are important for leadership development, and help in building connections with peers. These benefits are enhanced through membership on a national level. The volunteer and leadership opportunities provided by national SAA can help to further enhance professional development and better prepare you to become an active member of the audiology profession. Click here for more information about becoming a national SAA member.
Meredith Klinker is a third-year audiology student at Purdue University. She’s interested in all aspects of audiology, especially hearing aids and legislative advocacy. She is currently a member of the national Chapter and Member Relations Committee.
Molly Smeal is a fourth-year audiology student at the Northeast Ohio AuD Consortium and is completing her fourth year doctoral externship at the Cleveland Clinic. Her interests include cochlear implants, advocacy, and counseling. Molly serves at the chair of the Member Resources Subcommittee of the Chapter and Member Relations Committee.
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