

HEARCareers is the American Academy of Audiology’s year-round resource for jobs and externships in audiology. It provides employers with an audience consisting of only audiologists and allows job seekers to view jobs that cater specifically to their profession. As an Academy member, you will receive discounted rates on job postings, and résumé posting is always free for Academy and national SAA members. All HEARCareers job postings come with access to the résumé database, which is available while the job posting is active, as well as having the job posting feed directly onto the Academy’s Facebook page via the Career Center.

Tips on Writing Your Legislator-min

Resume Review

Ready to take the next step in your professional journey? Submit your resume for review to receive constructive and qualified feedback.


Compensation and Benefits Survey

The 2019 survey provides total compensation data for audiologists by full-time and part-time status as well as how audiologists are paid. Access to the report is free for current national SAA members.

An updated survey is currently in progress. Keep an eye out for communications regarding data collection and participation in the survey.