Undergraduate Students
Students applying to audiology programs typically pursue an undergraduate degree in speech and hearing science. Many programs offering the doctor of audiology degree have widened their scope and strongly consider students with academic disciplines in broad areas of science and technology including biology, physics, chemistry, psychology, and engineering.

Some programs may require that additional pre-requisite classes be completed either prior to starting or concurrently with an AuD program if the student's major is not in speech and hearing science.
Undergraduate Resources
The national SAA has compiled several resources to help undergraduate students interested in pursuing a graduate degree in audiology be better prepared.

Applying to Audiology Graduate School
The national SAA created a guide to aid undergraduates in their search for and application to an audiology program. Please contact Lillian Herring, national SAA member relations committee chair, with any questions.

Personal Statement Supplement
This supplement is intended to provide additional, more detailed information to aid undergraduate students in writing a personal statement or statement of purpose for their graduate school application.
National SAA Membership
Become a member of the national SAA and gain access to resources and materials relevant to your future profession! To be eligible, undergraduate students must be enrolled in an undergraduate program or taking post-baccalaureate classes at an accredited institution for higher learning. Join today!