How to Handle Burnout

As part of our mental health virtual series, Kaitlyn Kennedy, AuD, is hosting a session encompassing  the topic of burnout. She will cover several areas within this topic including, student burnout, new professional burnout, signs of burnout, and how to avoid and overcome burnout. She will also share her advice on how to maintain a…

Interview Tips: Q&A Panel

This special event will provide audiology students with an opportunity to receive helpful tips and information about interviewing from a panel of professional audiologists. Students will be able to submit questions to the panel via the registration process prior to the live event. Questions will also be welcomed during the session. Scroll to the bottom…

Get Certified: A Guide to Audiology Licensing

Join representatives from the American Board of Audiology, Jackie Clark, PhD, and Rebecca Lewis, AuD, PhD, as they break down and discuss the licensing and certification process. Questions are encouraged! Scroll to the bottom of the page to access additional resources about licensure and certification. Register Now Virtual Education Series Speakers Jackie Clark, PhD Dr.…

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Journal Club

Join us for a virtual journal club reviewing a recently published research article, meet the article's first author, and discuss how to advance hearing health equity. Please plan to read the article ahead of time, if possible, and come with your thoughts and questions. Dr. Carrie Nieman, MD, MPH, will join to help facilitate the discussion…

National Exam for Audiology Trivia Olympics (NEATO)

Event Information Looking for a fun way to study for your audiology national exam? Join us for an hour-long event that will begin with a short presentation by a current extern and new professional providing their recommended timelines and study tips, and end in a game of Kahoot filled with practice questions, discussion opportunities, and…

Virtual Poster Presentation Practice Session

The Research Audiologist Information Support Network (RAISN) is hosting a practice session for students presenting posters at our upcoming AAA annual conference in Seattle, Washington. Students presenting at AAA 2023+HearTECH Expo can sign-up for a twenty-minute timeslot during the practice session being held on Monday, April 3, 2023, 11:00 am-2:00 pm CT (12:00-3:00 pm ET).…

NSSLHA, SAA, SADA Presents: The OTC Hearing Aid Landscape and Implications for Students

With the implementation of the regulations for over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids, the practice landscape for audiologists has assumed a new dimension. Hearing loss has never been simple, but the OTC market adds new layers of complexity. The business models in audiology practices may need to adapt, and practice patterns will adjust to accommodate what likely…

SAA Super Service Weekend

National SAA is hosting a Super Service Weekend to kick off May is Better Hearing Month. We encourage you and your local SAA chapter to participate! Plan and host a volunteer or humanitarian event to give back to your community while also promoting safe hearing practices and advocating for the profession of audiology. Additionally, if…

Trauma Informed Care — CANCELLED

Dues to scheduling conflicts, this event has been cancelled. Communication will be sent if the event is rescheduled in the future. It is important to understand how unseen barriers can affect access to care in Audiology. This session will explore the topic of trauma, how it relates to equity, trauma-informed care, and ways to implement…

Imposter Syndrome: It’s Not Just You!

Imposter Syndrome is notoriously common but not often discussed. During this session, we will review the meaning and history behind this phenomenon. We'll also discuss contributing factors to this experience along with coping mechanisms that may help. The goal of the session is to be vulnerable about a shared experience in order to both facilitate…

Stress Management 101


We live in a time of abundance where our access to information and resources has never been greater. This, however, has not correlated with improved psychological well-being. If anything, studies are demonstrating that stress, burnout, substance abuse and mental health disorders are on the rise. Stressors are prevalent in all aspects of life from personal…


Fall National SAA Virtual Town Hall

One the benefits of being a nationally recognized SAA Chapter is the opportunity for local SAA chapter leadership and/or a designated national SAA chapter representative to attend national SAA town halls. The virtual town halls are designed to improve inter-chapter relationships, facilitate communications, and build a support network for local SAA chapters. Multiple times and…