Each year, nationally recognized SAA Chapters are required to complete the national SAA Chapter Renewal process in order to maintain national recognition. Read on to learn about the requirements for the next renewal period as well as important information answering the most frequently asked questions by SAA chapter leadership.
The next renewal process will take place Monday, January 14, 2025, through Friday, February 1, 2025. Renewal documentation should be sent to saa@audiology.org.
- In odd years (January 2025), the chapter renewal will consist of submitting:
- Chapter Contact Information Form with current SAA chapter leadership information
- Completed SAA Chapter Member Roster
- Copy of Current SAA Chapter Bylaws
- Renewal of SAA Agreement
- In even years (January 2026), the chapter renewal will consist of submitting:
- Chapter Contact Information Form with current SAA chapter leadership information
- Completed SAA Chapter Member Roster
If any changes are made to a SAA chapter’s bylaws or local chapter leadership outside of the national SAA Chapter Renewal process, please send an updated copy of the documents to saa@audiology.org.
Questions about the national SAA Chapter Renewal process may be directed to Rachael Sifuentes, MA, CAE, Senior Director of Membership and SAA.
Chapter Governance
It is recommended that nationally recognized SAA chapters have a Board of Directors consisting of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary, elected by the SAA chapter membership. Chapters may also include other board members in addition to the officer positions, and are encouraged to include a national SAA representative among their elected officers.
Information regarding chapter governance (e.g., membership composition, officers, finances, meetings, etc.) are to be detailed in the chapter’s bylaws. For new SAA chapters, bylaws must be completed and submitted with the application for national recognition. Current nationally recognized SAA chapters should review their chapter’s bylaws regularly and update as needed. A template for chapter bylaws is available on the Become a Chapter web page.
Any changes to a chapter’s bylaws must be submitted to the national SAA office at saa@audiology.org for review.
National SAA Town Halls
The national SAA Board of Directors set up three town hall meetings over the course of the term. These town halls are designed to improve inter-chapter relationships, facilitate communications, and build a support network for local chapters. In order to maintain national recognition, a chapter representative must participate in at least one town hall. Multiple times and dates will be offered for each town hall to accommodate various schedules, but will occur within the following windows:
- Fall: November 4, 12, and 14, 2024
- Winter: January 21, 23, 27, and 29, 2025
- Spring: April 7, 9, 15, and 17
Visit the SAA Events web page to sign-up for the upcoming town halls!
Tax-Exempt Status for Chapters
SAA chapters should review the financial policies of the university under which they are approved to operate. In most cases, student-run organizations qualify for tax-exempt status through their university.
Chapters interested in obtaining tax-exempt status on their own must make their own individual request to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for a separate review by the IRS of their particular operations. There may also be particular state and local requirements that must be taken into consideration by the applicant and coordinated with the IRS application when seeking tax-exempt status.
The tax-exempt 501(c)(6) status of the Academy/SAA is particular to the Academy/SAA and may not be used as any type of “umbrella” under which chapters conduct tax-exempt activities.
Use of National SAA Name and Logo and SAA Chapter Logos
The national SAA name and logo is a registered trademark owned by the Academy. The logo and letterhead design and format may not be altered in any way. Any and all usage of the logo, for letters or other purposes, or letterhead, must have prior approval by Rachael Sifuentes, MA, CAE, Senior Director of Membership and SAA and the Academy, to ensure appropriateness and professionalism.
As a nationally recognized chapter benefit, national SAA has developed personalized logos for SAA Chapters. The logo consists of the main SAA logo with the chapter’s name included. Email saa@audiology.org to request your SAA chapter’s logo.
SAA Chapter Contact Information Form
The SAA Chapter Contact Information Form gives national SAA contact information for the chapter’s main points of contact. It is important to keep contact information as up-to-date as possible in order to communicate local and national information from national SAA to local SAA chapters. Anytime a chapter holds an election or an officer is changed, a new Chapter Contact Information Form with the updated information should be submitted.