"Ask Me About Audiology" Campaign
The "Ask Me About Audiology" (AMAA) Campaign seeks to empower students to educate members of the local community about hearing healthcare, the impact of hearing loss/noise exposure, and the profession of audiology. Nationally recognized SAA chapters across the nation have held local AMAA events, such as passing out earplugs at sporting events and conducting interviews of national SAA members for a social media series!
Tools to Get Started
AMAA is about spreading information and awareness in your local community. To do this effectively, SAA chapters are encouraged to provide some type of leave-behind to either serve as a reminder of your message or as a starting point for people to pursue more information. See below for other published resources that you may find helpful in planning your event:
- Academy Fact Sheets on a variety of topics, ready for immediate printing
- Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) Infographic
- Social media tools and animated GIFs
- Myth vs Fact poster/handout
- “Ask an Audiologist” business cards, ready for immediate printing: front and back
- Practice your audiology “elevator pitch”
- Tinnitus: What You Need to Know Flyers
Hosting an Event
An AMAA Campaign can take on many shapes and sizes as long as you’re generating awareness and discussion about audiology. This is a perfect opportunity to partner with a local SAA chapter in your state or even an allied health profession at your university (e.g., medical, dental, or optometry students). Potential event ideas are:
- Join a health fair or health walk in your local community
- Pass out hearing protection at a sporting event or airshow
- Give a presentation at a local school or senior center
- Create a social media challenge and encourage your friends, neighbors, and students in allied health professions to participate
We encourage you to be as creative and collaborative as possible. Don't forget to share pictures of your events by tagging us on Facebook and Instagram!
Questions? Contact Hector Sanchez, national SAA education committee chair.