It’s that time of year to vote for your new SAA President-Elect! Did you know that the President-Elect is a three year term? The President-Elect shadows the President, serves as a stand-in/replacement if the President cannot perform duties, and oversees the transition of the SAA Board of Directors into the following year. Don’t know who your candidates are? Well, here are some fun facts about themselves and why they want to be your next President-Elect!
PLEASE NOTE: This year, applicants were permitted to run for both SAA president-elect and member-at-large if they so desired. Once voting opens, you will be asked to vote for one (1) candidate for president-elect and your top eight (8) candidates for member-at-large.
You may vote for the same candidate for president-elect and a member-at-large position. The winning president-elect candidate will be removed from the member-at-large tally and the eight (8) candidates that receive the most votes will be awarded member-at-large positions.
For those of you attending the AAA 2020 + HearTECH Expo conference in New Orleans, stop by Academy Central for a special “I VOTED” ribbon to add to your conference badge!
Caitlyn Crowder
Second Year
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Hometown: Heber Springs, Arkansas
Fun fact about yourself: I love to paint. It’s a great way to escape the stresses of school, clinical practicum, and work.
Reason you want to be on the board: One reason that I would love to serve on the SAA Board of Directors is to enhance a sense of advocacy amongst SAA members. I think it is so important that we all learn to advocate for ourselves, our profession, and our scope of practice. I think if we do so, then our profession is going to make great strides forward in the future. Thank you very much for your support.
Alexis Leiderman
First Year
City University of New York, The Graduate Center
Hometown: Westchester, New York
Fun fact about yourself: I have climbed all 46 of New York State’s highest mountains
Reason you want to be on the board: I aspire to work with others to integrate a common goal amongst audiologists to provide the necessary healthcare benefits to all patients. I value leadership and commitment to this field and am extremely honored by this nomination. Thank you.
Lily Rollins
Second Year
University of Texas at Dallas
Hometown: Arlington, TX
Fun fact: I love riding my bike and exploring new places around Dallas-Fort Worth whenever I have spare time away from school.
Reason you want to be on the board: I think students can play a big role in the shaping of our profession moving forward. As future leaders in the field, our opinions and actions, as demonstrated through advocacy, humanitarian, education, and outreach efforts, will greatly impact development in audiology. By being on the board, I want to encourage students to participate in more volunteer and leadership aspects of the profession and facilitate their involvement through the many projects SAA has to offer. I believe there are so many opportunities for us as students to bring change to our communities now that I want to promote.
Jenna Marie Sparacio
First Year
City University of New York, The Graduate Center
Hometown: Brooklyn, New York
Fun fact: I love to perform and stage manage for musicals at my local community theatre!
Reason you want to be on the board: I would like to be elected in order to be an advocate and a voice for all audiology students, and use my experience as a committee leader for my school to help strengthen relationships within the profession of audiology on a community, regional, and national level.
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