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The national Student Academy of Audiology (SAA) Blog is intended to act as a forum of discussion and community for students of audiology.

We invite national SAA members and volunteers, audiology students, Academy members, and national recognized SAA chapter members to submit ideas for relevant and engaging blog posts that will benefit the entire audiology community!

How to Become a Guest Blogger

  1. Submit a Guest Blogger Application.
  2. Wait to be contacted by the national SAA liaison of your approval.
  3. Once approved:

SAA Blog Posting Guidelines

Once you’re approved by national SAA to become a guest blogger, the national SAA communications committee chair will work with you to establish an expected timeline of your blogging commitment. Below are a few guidelines to help you when you’re ready to write and submit your blog post:

  • Consider your audience. Before you start writing, think about who you envision reading your blog post.
  • Write about a topic you are knowledgeable about and interests you. The national SAA Blog is a place to share knowledge and experiences with one another. Write about what you are passionate about, not what you “think” you should write about.
  • Short post or long post? Depending on the topic, blog posts should be between 500-1500 words.
  • Keep your post web-friendly. Provide links when applicable. If you’re quoting or paraphrasing another author, credit the author(s) and sources(s) and/or provide a works cited list.
  • Draw your readers in. Pick a compelling title and introduction to inspire readers to read your post right away.
  • Submit an image.  We request you submit at least one high-quality image to post with your blog content.
  • Adhere to the Academy’s Terms of Use. In addition to the national SAA Blogger Agreement, the Academy has its own Terms of Use to be followed when using one of its platforms, in this instance, the national SAA Blog.
  • Share your blog post. Help us help you spread the word. Share your blog post on your own social media platforms.
  • Refrain from being disrespectful. Not everyone shares your opinion; answer your readers while allowing others to voice his or her unique viewpoint. Keeping a fair and balanced dialogue will help move the discussion forward, encouraging others to join in on the discussion.
  • Clinical- or research-related content. If you wish to write a post with clinical- or research-related content, you will be paired with a professional audiologist from the Academy’s SAA advisory committee  knowledgeable in the chosen topic area to assist with developing content and resource citations as needed.

Are you able to commit to writing two blog posts per month for a specified time period?(Required)

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