All You Need to Know About the SAA Conference
The time is almost here for what many of us have been anxiously awaiting: the annual AAA 2023 Conference+ HearTECH Expo and annual SAA Conference! For some of us, this will be a new and exciting experience where we get to travel to a different city to meet other students from across the nation. For others, it is our annual meet-up to listen to some of our favorite presenters and reconnect with friends. Whatever your reason to attend AAA 2023+HearTECH Expo, this is your time to really engage with professionals and students alike who share a very similar passion: our love for audiology.
Before you register, make sure you have renewed your membership for national SAA to receive a discounted registration rate. When registering for AAA 2023+HearTECH Expo, consider adding the SAA Conference to your student member registration for additional educational opportunities ($40 to attend).
So, now that you’ve registered for the SAA Conference, what can you expect? For starters, this is an incredible day designated for student engagement and learning. The SAA Conference will take place on the first day of AAA 2023+HearTECH Expo on Wednesday, April 19, 2023 from 10:00 am-4:00 pm. The SAA Programs Committee has been hard at work finding topics and presenters of interest to students, including sessions focused on tinnitus, coding and billing, cochlear implants, and externships. There will be a lunch break during the conference and after the conference ends, attendees and presenters will have the opportunity to attend the SAA Mix & Mingle from 4:00 pm-5:30 pm, generously sponsored by Starkey! The SAA Mix & Mingle is open to all students, regardless of whether they attend the SAA Conference or not, so come on by for a great opportunity to network with fellow students and professionals!
The SAA Conference is an incredible opportunity and event to attend, and I hope to see you all there in Seattle! If you aren’t able to join us in-person, make sure to attend our one of our upcoming virtual activities such as our National Exam for Audiology Trivia Olympics on March 30.
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